Aloha Shriners

Legion of Honor

In mid 1964 Noble Les Murphy initiated the action necessary to establish in Aloha Shriners a Chapter of the National Legion of Honor organization and, but December of that year, he succeeded in bringing it about. The charter was presented to the Chapter by Potentate Bill Boyen at the December meeting of the new Unit.

Noble Forrest Utterback served as the Legion’s first Commander in 1965, and the Unit was soon well established in chapter affairs.

The Legion of Honor is traditionally a parade and drill unit, and is especially proficient in the proper technique of “Presentation of the Colors.`` In addition, the Legion serves as the Color Guard in parade and chapter functions.

The Legion of Honor is the perfect unit for those who are serving or have served in the US Armed Forces.

General Info

Founded: 1965

Location: Honolulu, HI.

Status: Active


Commander: Noble Melvin Kau


Temple (Chapter) Unit