By Aloha Shriners
Members of the Aloha Shriners Divan recently had the privilege of visiting Shriners Children's Hawaii in response to heartfelt requests from several patients and guardians...
The Aloha Shriners have achieved notable recognition by receiving the Shriners International Membership Hall of Fame Platinum Temple Award...
The Aloha Shriners recently attended Shriners International's 4th Annual Marketing & Communications Conference in Orlando, Florida...
Recently, members of the Aloha Shriners and hospital Board of Governors came together to enjoy the annual May Day program at Shriners Children’s Hawai’i...
The Aloha Shriners recently added a touch of tradition and camaraderie to the Grand Lodge of Hawaii F&AM's 2024 Annual Communication held at the Honolulu Scottish Rite Cathedral...
In a celebration of friendship and fraternity, Aloha Shriners from throughout the Pacific met in Tokyo, Japan, to host a special membership initiation ceremony at the prestigious New Sanno Hotel...
In a whirlwind of camaraderie and shared learning, the recent Shriners International Oriental Guide Leadership Conference illuminated the vibrant spirit of the Shriners organization...
The spirit of fellowship and tradition was alive and thriving at the Kauai Shrine Club's recent annual installation of officers, held at Brick Oven Pizza on the Garden Island of Kauai...
In the spirit of tradition, brotherhood, and the Aloha spirit, the Aloha Shriners, representing the Hawaii and Asia-Pacific chapter of Shriners International, recently convened for their 123rd Annual Installation of Officers...
In a heartwarming display of commitment to Shriners International and Shriners Children's, Illustrious Potentate-Elect Dino Fernandez’s family...